
Showing posts from June, 2020

Intermittent fasting, Feast and Fast

The one thing I am loving these days is Intermittent fasting as I have shed those extra pounds, feel lighter for most of the day and many more.  But before I have started it, I had lot of doubts like whether it is safe? will it cause health issues? will it aggravate my gastritis? will I be malnourished ? etc etc. Now, it's been 80 days and I am very happy. So felt like sharing and spreading this joy. Intermittent fasting is nothing but incorporating fasting in our everyday life. If I start talking about fasting, the list of benefits keeps on going . Here , I will confine only to intermittent fasting, addressing the doubts I had and the schedule I followed. So , What is intermittent fasting ?  This is not something new . We do some amount of fasting everyday that is when we sleep, we don't eat anything, means we are fasting all the night and when we wake up, we break our fast with break-fast.   Most of us will be already doing 12 hours of fasting this wa

I wish I were a boy

I wish I were a boy  It doesn't mean I hate being a girl  I am capable of driving alone to outskirts to watch sunrise. I woke up at 4 AM but I did not go .  Am I afraid of the dark ?  My father treats me like a princess but why does he get anxious if I go alone somewhere ??? Ohh , but why do u want to go alone in the first case???  Dont you know  this world is not a safe place for girls ???  But if I still choose to go alone , does it mean I  dont care whatever happens to me ??  My mom did not show difference between me and my brother, so now is it her fault if I dream to fly ??  There's a small hillock in the outskirts, at night it turns out breezy and You can see the city lit in lights, but wait It's forbidden for girls because guys come there to booze.  There's a calm and serene beach but being a girl  should I choose only the crowded and chaos ?  I have friends in guys who are